Thursday, June 5, 2008

Sisterpants Hood

So I was driving home and got a call from one of my best friends who is currently living in SLO. She was talking to our other friend who is currently living in Alaska. I was told to rush home and go online and somehow we were going to video chat. I started laughing in my car by myself at the thought of the 4 of us kindred spirits being like the characters in Now and Then. Four girls, different paths and directions, but we hold a bond that can surpass any type of distance. I drove home faster than I ever have, rushed to my computer and got to see 2 of the most beautiful faces I know. We laughed, we shared, we loved... then the connection (or something) broke and that was the end of it... but it was totally worth the rush home.

There's something amazing about the bond that is formed between 2 people and it grows as more people start to share that bond. There's something about the same-sex bond that fills a certain hole in your heart that nothing else can fill. Our God is an amazing God. He has blessed us with the gift of being able to connect and go deep and be intimate with others. 

Kindred spirits fill holes that nothing else ever could. It's beautiful. 
My heart feels whole again. : )


Trace said...

"I carry your heart with me, I carry you in my heart."
My guess is ee cummings was a big fan of once in a lifetime friendships. Because I know sometimes, it's the only thing that makes sense to me.

Jayden-Lynn said...

haha i was thinking the same thing the other day love and i love how all that happened in the span of probley 10 min. and i love how whenever we video chat the first 9 min consists of looking at each other and laughing and doing ridiculous movements

love you

Anonymous said...
