Monday, June 9, 2008

Mercy by Duffy... listen to it

OK... some thoughts, stories, comments of this past week.
Feelings: chaotic, stressful, beautiful, exciting, joyous, giddy, tired

-Be careful to answer the door if you're only in your underwear
-I've never thought my heart would stop like that
-Parents are crazy.
-Sunset Cliffs on a clear sunny day is simply gorgeous, one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.
-Gas is too expensive.
-The best text message I have ever received: 
Tracey: "Let's quit work and head down to TJ"
-I used to like my cat... now it just follows me everywhere... and i don't like it as much anymore
-Deny, Deny, Deny
-Puzzles are fun when they come out of no where and you have the right kinds of sustenance
-Dad's are wonderful... well mine is at least
-It truly is a small small world.
-You might think it's fun to get your eyes checked, but it's not... your eyes just hurt afterwards.
-4am can be the greatest time of the day
-Don't you think it's weird how you're hair just stops growing? and doesn't grow in certain places?
-I sat in the same section as this man on the train, he started talking, I listened politely, next thing I know he's showing me pictures of his Costa Rica vacation and asking me if I want to get Persian food
-I want to play Ultimate Frisbee (LYNN!!!!)
-I played the game of LIFE with the 2 girls I nanny for. Advice: Always let the kids win and let them make up whatever rules they want. 
-In the game of LIFE I ended up married with 2 boys and 1 girl, I was an artist making $100,000 per year, I lived on the beach and every time someone rolled a "1" I got $10,000. C'est la vie!
-You should watch the North Shore alternate ending... it's good every time.

1 comment:

Jayden-Lynn said...

such words of wisdom :)